The threat of Uber leaving a market should be filed in the "don't threaten us with a good time" category. After Uber left Denmark over having to comply with some rules they comply with elsewhere (namely that cars and drivers must have commercial registrations to run a taxi service) they left.

Now we have 4-5 different Taxi apps that compete on service, price and where they're available. Uber would have never had a national footprint anyways, meaning there would always have been a need for other taxi apps, but now they also get a chance to compete in the large cities. One taxi app I particularly like has only electric vehicles, something that has pushed everyone to introduce electric options

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I have a suggestion for you if you want to get deeper into the monopolies and video games stuff. Check out the history of Electronic Arts and why they once beat out Bank of America for the most hated American company.

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I think some CEOs seeing some well deserved jail time might change their tune.

If the US government is too corrupt to punish the Sacklers, who would be afraid of enforcement?

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Matt, Facebook or Meta or whatever can shut their news down, all of it, it sucks. All of our media news in the USA sucks. I buy my news from people I know and trust and that make good solid attempts to be transparent and open. Our media outlets news is a joke. Why I buy your gig here, BIG. That and to support your much needed efforts. Keep it up, we need you. Thanks.

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https://rfob.medium.com/meta-tries-to-silence-a-critic-us-suspends-rfob-instagram-account-after-critical-post-on-metas-42fa58fd157a "Today, after a post on Instagram critical of Meta’s threat to ban access to news websites in Canada, our account was suspended. The posts, seen below, called out Meta’s dangerous and repeated “strategy of intimidation, aimed at disrupting legislative processes around the world.”"

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Do we not have any laws to protect us from firms who hold infrastructural power, like Meta does with the news? To hold them accountable for pulling the plug, or just even threatening to pull the plug. Was Meta fined in Australia for cutting off the news?

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Crypto seemed like a scam from the first minute I read about it, years ago, and I'm not an expert in finance in anyway. But I do have common sense.

I'm very concerned that the government took this long to lay down the law. They acted way too slowly, and only after crypto started tumbling.

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Your turns of phrase often delight me, Matt. I am grateful you can deliver the bad news in a way that can make me laugh.

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What about Disney in Florida? Presumably you support Rhonda Santis's attack on Disney for the latter's behavior regarding LGBTQ issues. Isn't it right that a democratically elected government should take on corporate privileges -- amounting to a kind of political sovereignty -- in Florida.

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Two words: Matt Kennard

After watching a podcast interview with Aaron Bastani, I feel like a balloon in mid-deflation, all my hope is going, going, soon to be gone. You fight the good fight, Matt, but will it really make a difference given what corporate power has done worldwide to ensure its continued hegemony?

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We've seen off-shoring for 20+ years. A lot of the design/critical research stays here. Sure you get small expat communities but most people come back, want to settle here,especially with families. I might seriously call that bluff. Why do you need a less rigorous regulatory regime if everything is above board? Cutting edge reaearch gets done in the public and private sector. As does innovation. It's a calculated risk but you might get a product more reflective of American principles. It's the freedom to. Innovate/think that is the most attractive/exciting quality. That's why people come here. Bluffing ...

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