Talk about a disaster waiting to happen. Private Equity needs to be stopped. SolarWinds is one of those silent monopolies that can bring down the economy. Thanks for exposing it Matt....

Lets see what Tim Wu and Lehna Kahn are going to do about this too.

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My reaction also. Private equity needs to be outlawed. The Russians, Chinese, North Koreans love our greed and stupidity in helping them to destroy our economy.

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Milton Freedman was wrong. Greed is not good. It is and always will be.

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I finished grad school in 1971 with a degree in economics. It took me 2 years to understand that most all economists did not know anything about reality. Friedman was the worst. Matt says he was a salesman. I am much harsher. He may have seemed intelligent, but he was not. Actions and words have consequences. His ignorance to understand cause and effect help destroy global economies. Economics is not a science and most all economic models are worthless. You cannot use up finite resources and ignore who is responsible for cleaning up the pollution from production. The sole responsibility of corporations is NOT to make shareholders wealthy. Unions are needed to make sure labor receives it’s fair share for what they help produce.

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DA - You have seen the full cycle from ideas to implementation to results. And the Results of Friedmans "neo liberal" philosophy based on pure pseudo science are measurable and provable. More income insecure Americans, lower income mobility, larger federal deficits, slower Productivity gains, slower GDP growth, more CAPTURE of law makers and regulators driven by higher concentration of both wealth and Corporations (ie: Monopolies)

Income Insecurity is not more FREEDOM it is far less freedom. So everything these guys promised was a lie.

I earned a degree in economics in the mid 80's and was literally taught the Laffer curve as doctrine. I was taught that increasing min wage led to more poverty and unemployment and that if taxes are two high companies don't have the capital to innovate and grow. The data today is irrefutable, it was all BS.... I have reached out to one of my former professors and he is clinging to the lie.

What is most heart breaking to me is that Democrats like Ted Kennedy, Joe Biden, Al Gore and several others were totally on board with this ideology. That is why people like Bill Clinton and Obama did NOTHING to unwind these lies that have been so devestating to the poor and middle class in America..

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Clearly we are like minded individuals. Our job is to destroy the neoliberals ideas. Income inequality will destroy our economy and democracy. US currency belongs to US citizens. With money in the hands of the public everyone flourishes. I grew up it the 40’s and 50’s when there was no separation between the rich and everyone else. Taxes where 70 to 80 %. We stopped taxing the rich and enforcing anti trust laws and the rich bought congress You words ring true.

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