Well, I wish you all the best on your paternity leave! And I have an example of what you brought up here, from back in my Army time from 1971-1983. I served in the old Hawk air defense missile system, in the Korea forward area and in Germany, during which in Korea in 1976 we endured the Ax Murder Incident that could have started a major war, and in Germany when the Iran Revolution happened in 1979. I was one of the top 3 worldwide in my maintenance job on radar, IFF, and command and control electronics, for 9 of my 12 1/2 years. During that time I had an opportunity to see what parts for the system cost the Army (and the Marines, when they had the system). One small part on a radar that cost Raytheon about $25 to make was sold to our military for $600...but we don't want to regulate those things because then the rich people wouldn't provide all kinds of money to buy seats in Congress...and now, Pfizer wants to charge almost $1400 for a Covid drug that costs $13...when are we going to stand up strong against this crap and stop America from becoming a true, fascist oligarchy?

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Oct 20, 2023ยทedited Oct 20, 2023

I can't do a deep dive into our military industrial complex. It's not healthy to be more outraged. I assume EVERYTHING they do is horrible, including stealing taxpayer money and creating/perpetuating wars/conflicts around the globe.

It's clear the President and congress are beholden to not only to bankers but the military, including major contractors/vendors.

Virtually everything wrong with America, from climate change to lack of universal healthcare to the military industrial complex, traces back to the 1% control of America and our destiny.

At least we have, for now, the freedom to gripe about it.

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Oct 20, 2023ยทedited Oct 20, 2023

My blood was boiling when I saw that the neocons in National Review had the sheer audacity to start throwing an panicked hissy fit about how America's industrial base was a disaster. You know, over a decade after anyone with a brain figured that out. Outsourcing your ability to fight a war is a special kind of stupid. It turns out that sometimes you cannot just print more money and throw it at a problem. Now we just haphazardly launch money and rapidly depleting munitions stocks at a problem and hope it goes away. It turns out closing your eyes, plugging your ears, and jabbering does not make things go away. You actually have to make long term plans and fix things. Between "Afghanistan and Iraq were not mistakes" neocons, "Libya was not a mistake" neoliberals, a "sexual identity politics are the most important thing for fighting a war" military culture, "I want to understand white rage and get my Raytheon check" leadership, a monopolized "gouge more, deliver less" military industrial complex, and "we hate all those who have traditionally signed up to fight" progressives, we are screwed. Then again, who would seriously consider joining the military when it is a clown show like this? I have met way too many old vets who have told their children not to follow in their footsteps.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Matt Stoller

Congrats to you and your family.

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the more they deregulated, trusted the "market", the faster the nation circles the drain.


humans are predators. a subset of these predators, is ESPECIALLY SOCIOPATHIC, and that group will eat their own babies if they can get away with it. They are incapable of caring.

and NOW, that subset, controls EVERYTHING

fascinating times, my friends.


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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Matt Stoller

Bow down, peasants! Congratulations on the baby, pops.

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Oct 20, 2023Liked by Matt Stoller

All the best, Matt. Enjoy the time with your family! How long will you be out?

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Congratulations on the paternity leave. I hope the new arrival comes healthy and well.

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Looks like the greedy rich military industrial complex has finally reached Implosion. The failure of the Pentagon and Congress to regulate Wall Streetโ€™s quest for power and money have now left America at the mercy of our enemies as well as our allies. The consolidation of corporate power has create a massive transfer of wealth from the working class to the the elite 1%. Americaโ€™s enormous wealth inequality continues to erode every facet of life. I find if mind boggling that the Pentagon has failed in their duty to protect Americaโ€™s way of life and the basic premise to have a fully functional modern military. Any idiot knows that the inability to support any functioning operation will lead to total failure.

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Congrats. And also, damn we really should have listened to Ike huh?

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Congratulations Matt. I have 6 children and nine grandchildren. Time for you to catch up. My advice is 3 is a good number so there is a tie breaker.

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Fantastic article Matt. You have a wonderful facility for clearly exp[aining complicated isuues ! Sadly, so many of our issues can be traced back to the greed that has financialized everything in this country, from healthcare to education to Pentagon procurement. It is absolutely the federal government's job to regulate commerce, but it seems almost every branch and agency of government has been caught in this web of immoral, anti-social monetary madness.

Congratulations and best wishes on your paternal adventures !

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Congratulations and godspeed, Matt, to you and your wife. How did everyone else realize it was paternity leave? ๐Ÿคฃ

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I've been wondering for some time what's behind our diminished ability to produce ammunition etc. and then this morning BIG dropped into my mailbox. Lo and behold, the usual monopoly stranglehold on productive capacity. Not sure why I'm surprised. I encourage any non-paid subscribers to pay if able to, this is such a vital newsletter. Last but not least, congratulations on fatherhood, Matt.

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Congratulations Matt. Hope you have an enjoyable paternity leave. One can hope that the emasculation of our defense industry will awaken our country to the destructive influence of Wall Street on this industry and many others.

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Congrats on the bambino. It was great to see the article you wrote with Lucas Kunce, our best hope for the Senate from MO. Also, all of this is somewhat terrifying. I grew up in Peoria, IL, where they could stop making Caterpillar tractors and start making tanks as we entered WWII. But then, in 1941, they made the tractors in Central IL.

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