Sitemap - 2022 - BIG by Matt Stoller
What's Coming in 2023 on the Monopoly Front?
Private Equity Gave Your Bank Password to Hackers
Why Do Analysts and CEOs Keep Calling for Consolidation?
Too Much Winning: Antitrust Reform to Become Law
Open Thread: Is Decoupling with China Happening?
Get Antitrust Legislation Done, Chuck Schumer
FTC to Block Microsoft-Activision Merger
Ron DeSantis' Quiet Relationship with Amazon
Open Thread: Time for Public Utility Regulation?
The Boring Lobbyists Behind Sam Bankman-Fried
Why Is Booz Allen Renting Us Back Our Own National Parks?
Thoma Bravo: The Bridge Trolls of Enterprise Software?
Open Thread: A Year of a New Antitrust Division
Don't Make Taylor Swift Fans Angry
Open Thread: The Week of "I Told You So"
Why Didn't the Government Stop the Crypto Scam?
A Good Election for Anti-Monopolists
Wow. Judge Stops the Looting of Albertsons (For Now)
Weird Monopoly: A Ketamine Clinic Roll-Up
Book Publishing Mega-Merger BLOCKED
Open Thread: Elon Musk's Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg's Collapse
Has Private Equity Finally Gone Too Far?
Antitrust Chief Jonathan Kanter Attacks the New Money Trust
Open Thread: Monopoly and Recession
The Smash and Grab of Kroger-Albertsons
Open Thread: Supermarkets and Food
Open Thread: How's the Economy in Your Neck of the Woods?
Congress to Vote on New Antitrust Laws This Week
Signs of Life at the Department of Agriculture?
The Antitrust Shooting War Has Started
Amazon Promotes Ex-Private Prison Exec to Run Warehouse Training
Open Thread: How Is the Stock Market Decline Affecting the Economy?
Should the Government Block the Adobe-Figma Merger?
Addressing the Railroad Crisis with a Sliding Scale Plan
Antitrust and the Fall of a Cheerleading Giant
Should We Save Newspapers from Google?
Open Thread: Labor and Monopoly
Mergers Didn't Really Used to Be a Thing
States Taking the Lead on Regulating Google?
The Cantillon Effect and Credit Cards: The $257 Billion Payments Mess
Open Thread: The Policy Wins Are Starting
The Ridiculous Amazon-One Medical Deal
What Will Come of the Nightmare Travel Summer of 2022?
Closing Down the Billionaire Factory
Open Thread: Inflation Edition
Nancy Pelosi, China and the Slow Decline of the U.S. Military
Antitrust Division to Department of Agriculture: Your Economists Are Corrupt
An Economy of Overfed Middlemen
The Pete Buttigieg Fake Governing Problem
The Slow Erosion of Amazon's Power
Buckraking: Did A Medical Monopolist Buy Off CNN?
The Antitrust Division Pulls Out a Switchblade on Private Equity
Weird Monopoly: Cineplex and Canadian Movie Theaters
How Trump Increased Your Cell Phone Bill
On Inflation: It's the Monopoly Profits, Stupid
Corporate Bribery Just Became Illegal Again
Weird Monopoly: Football Helmets
Apple's Backup Plan to Stop Antitrust Legislation
Weird Monopoly: Northrop Grumman and Nuclear Missiles
Open Thread: French Fries and Unusual Monopolies
Congress to Pass Antitrust Laws?
The Cantillon Effect and Stock Market Crashes
Big Bottle: The Baby Formula Nightmare
Chicken Prices and Chicken Shit
Open Thread: Monopolies and Market Crashes
Why is Ghislaine Maxwell’s Lawyer Attacking Antitrust Enforcers?
Open Thread: What's on your mind?
Blowing Up Antitrust Enforcement
Elon Musk and Selling Tickets to the End of the World
Peeing in the Economists' Pool
The Secret Plot To Unleash Corporate Power
“Economics is losing authority in the political arena”
Open Thread: Is Bipartisanship on Antitrust Possible?
Big Tech and the Beautiful Losers in Europe
Did the Ocean Shipping Cartel Impose a 20% Tariff on U.S. Imports?
What Happens When Enforcers Stop Being Polite
The Red Wedding for Rural Pharmacies
Shipping Chaos, Not Ukraine, Is How Globalization Ends
Judges Behaving Badly: Amazon Antitrust Suit Dismissed
Open Thread: War and the Dangers of Corporate Food Systems
Why Are Judges Encouraging Inflation?
Monopolies Take a Fifth of Your Wages
Clarence Thomas Takes a Skeptical Eye Towards Surveillance Advertising
Open Thread: What does the Ukraine War Reveal About the U.S. Economy?
Antitrust Cops Put Handcuffs for CEOs on the Table
Ukraine War Profiteering and the Shipping Cartel
From Russian Pipelines With Love
The Busy Bees at the Antitrust Division
Big Tech Tries to Defund the Police
The Pentagon Knifes Wall Street
Open Thread: The Super Bowl, Ukraine and TikTok
Unilever CEO: "We will, of course, continue to take further price increases...."
Yes, Facebook Is Still a Monopoly
Antitrust Is Responsible for "the Metaverse"
A BIG Video Exposing Amazon Prime
Open Thread: Is Now the Time of Monsters?
Sometimes Antitrust Is Rocket Science
Larry Summers Honors Stephen Breyer's "Progressive Deregulation of Airlines"
Stephen Breyer’s Legacy of Destruction
Our Systems Are Down, So You Can't Have Your Medicine
The Fed Can't Print Semiconductors
Open Thread: Have You Ever Been Through a Merger?
Microsoft Brings a Cannon to a Knife Fight
Fear and Loathing in the Silicon Valley C-Suite
Ivy League Cartel Sued for Price-Fixing
Open Thread: Let's Talk Inflation...
What's Coming in 2022 on the Monopoly Front?